Economic Premium ICH


Economic Premium ICH

Ideal Climate Chamber for modern insect breeding, with or without lighting


ECONOMIC PREMIUM ICH cabinet with a capacity of 780 litres is the climate cabinet for modern insect breeding and research.
This cabinet is available in 2 versions:

  • Le Economic Premium with lightning where all the required functions such as: temperature, relative humidity and light can be controlled. The latest controller makes it possible to insert 50 programs and 1000 segments with possibilities for day- and night cycle.
  • Le Economic Premium ICH without lighting: this cabinet is especially fit for sporulation of fungi/mushroom cultures and research. The temperature and humidity can be controlled.


  • Biotechnology, genetics
  • Testing pesticides
  • Insects breeding like: Drosophila Melanogaster (fruit flies), grasshoppers, bumble bees, white flies, waterfleas, night butterflies
  • Temperature/humidity tests (ECP03-TH): mushrooms
  • Temperature/light tests (ECP03-TL): In Vitro tests


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