Consumer Products

At the end of the productionline, consumers need to be sure that products are safe. Therefore it is of utmost importance that it is exactly known what a product consists of. Manufactures and governmental agencies rely on the quality control analysis of labs. 


CombiFlash NextGen 100

Teledyne Isco

The CombiFlash NextGen 100 offers flow rates up to 100 mL/min and operating pressures up to 150 psi (10 bar)

CombiFlash NextGen 300

Teledyne Isco

The CombiFlash NextGen 300 is configurable to your needs. The system is designed for liquid injections, operating at up to 150 psi (10 bar)

CombiFlash NextGen 300+

Teledyne Isco

Setting new standars in Flash Chromatography. The CombiFlash NextGen 300+ comes standard with all options installed. Flow rate range is from 1 to 300 mL/min at operating pressures up to 300 psi (20 bar).

UV-1900 Series

Teledyne Hanson

On-line, compact, double-beam UV-Vis spectrophotometer wrapped in a sleek form

Media-Mate plus

Teledyne Hanson

Media preparation and accurately dispensing precise adjusted media volumes into groups of 6 or 7 dissolution flasks simultaneously – all in less than five minutes.

CD autoplus (+ autofill)

Teledyne Hanson

The CD AutoPlus™ is a precision autosampling system with all-inert syringes, valves, tubing, and fluidics, designed for plug-and-play integration with CD14 Comparative Dissolution Testers.