Terra Food-Tech CFS-H series


Terra Food-Tech CFS-H series

Compact autoclaves for R&D and pilot batches of hermetically sealed containers in the food and packaging industry.

With counterpressure and fast cooling.


Small retorts with pressure support

Both pasteurization and sterilization are techniques of food preservation by applying heat. Their aim is the destruction of microorganisms and their spores. The difference between the two techniques lies in the time and temperature of the heating process.


Sterilization is performed with different foods, such as meat, fish, vegetables, fruit…  it consists in placing food in a container and subjecting it to temperatures above 100ºC, usually 121ºC, during a certain period of time. After this process, all microorganisms and spores are inactivated.


Pasteurization involves heating food at temperatures below 100ºC for a brief period of time. This method is used in many products, especially in milk and its derivatives, flavored juices, beers, because the low temperatures respect and preserve the aromas and other organoleptic characteristics. These food products have a shorter shelf life, because although viable microorganisms are drastically reduced, some remain viable.

Benchtop retorts CFS-21H CFS-50H CFS-75H
Camera dimensions Ø x H cm 25 x 43 40 x 40 40 x 60
Camera volum total/useful L 22 / 21 55 / 50 79 / 75
External dimensions F x A x H cm 42,5 x 59 x 68 78 x 76 x 63 98 x 76 x 63
Weight Kg 55 125 140
Electric power W 2000 2800 3200
Electric tension V * 230 (1P+N) 230 (1P+N) 230 (1P+N)
Frequency Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60
Packing dimensions F x A x H cm 85 x 73 x 75 106 x 88 x 80 106 x 88 x 80
Weight with packaging Kg ** 64 137 145

Safety measures

  • Safety Valve
  • Safety Thermostat
  • Open door alarm
  • System door lock with positive pressure detector
  • Detector of water pressure
  • Water level Detector
  • Heat shield around the door
  • Protecting chassis for the sterilization chamber

European rules regulations and directives in compliance are:

UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Quality management system
A-61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Part 1: General Requirements
A 2-040-61010-2-040 Part: Particular requirements for laboratory autoclaves
A-61326 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Requirements of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
AD 2000 Merkblatt Pressure Vessels
2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive
2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility
2014/68/EU Pressure Equipment


Are you aware of the steps that need to be taken prior to sterilizing your canned foods? Or how to prepare them for sterilization?

Lees dit artikel van Terra Food Tech om vertrouwd te raken met de voorbereiding van uw ingeblikt voedsel voor sterilisatie en pasteurisatie.

Aanverwante instrumenten