


Get an accurate analysis of the fat content of any food sample in only 30 seconds


ORACLE was verified with over 30 Certified Reference Materials (CRM’s) sourced from Europe and USA. These trusted samples undergo extensive reference testing in numerous certified laboratories and provide a benchmark for any food testing methodology. The blue data in the graph shows the linearity between the CRM reference results and the ORACLE rapid fat results. Since CRM’s are limited in their available matrices, CEM also outsourced hundreds of samples to third party testing laboratories for wet chemical reference chemistry analysis. The red data in the chart shows the comparison between the outside lab reference results and ORACLE.

ORACLE is designed to operate in any lab setting, from process control in food production sites (at line and in lab) to certified testing laboratories.

For customers seeking rapid moisture/solids analysis in addition to fat analysis, the ORACLE can be paired with the SMART 6 analyzer for moisture/solids results in less than 5 minutes. Alternatively, customers who run 50 or more samples per day may choose the stand-alone ORACLE high throughput solution where samples are dried in an oven overnight and subsequently run through the ORACLE in batch mode.

Ideal for the following:

  • Laboratories testing 50+ samples per day
  • Certified testing laboratories
  • Research and development laboratories

Testing process:

  • Dry samples in ergonomic sample holders overnight in oven (convection or vacuum) with pads and film
  • Condition samples in CEM Precision Heater Block for 1 hour
  • Run samples through ORACLE for exceptional fat analysis in less than 30 seconds


  • CEM Precision Heater Block- designed to tightly control temperature evenly across the entire block to 0.3°C.
  • Sample holders and trays for oven
  • Balance
  • Optional- automated robot

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