Online event Agrobacterium 2021 : October 11&12

BRS is an official sponsor of the Agrobacterium conference 2021.

Agrobacterium 2021 is an online event on 11th  &12th  October, 2021. The conference is organized by KU LeuvenVIB-Center for Plant Systems Biology en  UGent.

Agrobacterium, a remarkable and intensively studied plant pathogen, serves as an importnat model system for several aspects of plant-host interactions, and contributes to our understanding of bacterial cell biology and biofilm formation. Being the nature’s genetic engineer, it revolutionized genetic transformation of plants. In this era of genome editing, Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation is the most used method for CRISPR/Cas9 delivery in plants. Therefore, attention for Agrobacterium biology is greater than ever both in academia and industry.

The registrations are open here.

This year, BRS sponsors the event. We have developed a dedicated landingpage, as virtual booth with all the scientific equipment that is commonly used in laboratories for agrobacterial research. You can visit it here.