Join the Pink Walk of Think Pink!

BRS participates in Think Pink’s Pink Walk in May. The Pink Walk is an annual event organised to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness. The goal here is for each member of the team to take 10,000 steps a day.

In our view, the Pink Walk is an important event because, on the one hand, it creates awareness about breast cancer – one of the most widespread cancers in women – and raises money for cancer research.  On the other hand, it highlights the need for exercise. It is a unique opportunity to take up this challenge together with colleagues and strive for 10,000 steps a day together.

BRS’s decision to participate in the Pink Walk shows that our company not only pursues revenue but also values social responsibility and commitment.  We are concerned about the health of the community and we show that by fighting against breast cancer.

Finally, we would like to emphasise that every step and deed counts in the fight against cancer. Research costs money, and we are determined to raise that by taking part in the Pink walk.


Will you join us?

How does it work?
  1. Go to the Pink Walk platform and sign up individually, as a team or with your business and support Pink Ribbon.
  2. Connect your pedometer with the platform or enter the number of steps manually.
  3. The Pink Walk platform simply registers all the steps you walk throughout the month of May. Pink Ribbon adds them up for you and shows you the results. This way you can track your progress individually, or with your team or business and compare your results with those of other participants.